Tuesday, April 25, 2006

“I didn’t say he didn’t used to have all those things, I just thought that Q would have taken them back by now. And don’t say “Q’s dead.” Q can’t die. Q alive and no one could prove me wrong!! The news just said he died so he could retire!

Anyway, I still have that spy car I stole from Connery, but I’m out of rockets for the headlight rocket launcher. Do you know where I could buy some more?”

"Your just jelous because he knew my name. But it was worth it. I told you he had all that cool stuff, but did you believe me? Nnnooo. James Bond is just a movie you said. But I proved you wrong! He DID! have the cars and the jet pack and everything else from the movies. He IS james Bond!"

“Sean Connery had a super sub, and that was only a movie. The real Sean Connery only has that super space shuttle. Which we wouldn’t have known about it we hadn’t snuck in his secret underground lair. I told you he must have had something down there.”

"But they were cheap! Do you know how much a used nuclear sub from the US coss! It's highway robbery! I've seen small cars that were les expensive!

Besides. If it was good enough for Sean Connery, it's good enough for me."

“You have no idea how much damage a German can do with an AK-47! I had to pull them out. As for that nuclear sub, as I recall it leaked and we almost drowned. I told you not to buy those things for the Russians.”

"They wouldn't have needed the RPGs if you hadn't pulled out that AK-47. Your just lucky I had that nuclear sub docked near by."

“Continually beating the Frenchmen over the head doesn’t count as winning. And of course they would take the bet, the pride of there countries were on the line. I just didn’t think they would take it as far as use RPGs.”

"I kept doing the Hitler impersonation because they asked me to. Every time I did it, they said "Hail". Or was it "Halt". I couldn't tell with their accents.

Doesn't realy matter. We won the football game, and that is what matters, although I didn't think they would accualy carry out the bet."

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

“Yeah! Bragging for three hours about how we had better fighter airplanes well covered!! I like Mustangs just as much as the next guy, but you shouldn’t mention these things to Germans. And I still don’t know why you kept doing you Hitler impersonation.”

"they don't mind it if you don't talk about the war. I mentioned it once, but I think I covered quite nicely."

"One clue might have been when he said, “And I’m from Brookly,” when he introduced himself, but you were too busy showing the German your WW2 weapon gallery. Well here is something you might want to no: not all Germans like to talk about WW2!!!”

"In my defense, I figured the German guy could take a 2X4 to the head. Either he would be tough enough, or he would he drunk. Either way it would have been fun!

As for the French guy, I figured he would run away like a little girl, like all Frenchmen do! How was I suppose to know that he was raised in Brooklyn."

“Not that time! That was in Sweden. No way could that have started World War 3. I was talking about the incident with the German and French ambassadors. The whole thing wouldn’t have started if you hadn’t insisted on starting a game of tackle football that involved wooden two-by-fours.”

"You did not. Some guy named Angus did, using Duct Tape and a Swiss Army Knife. You almost choked on the gum, made a sandwhich, and watched."

“Hey! I managed to prevent World War 3 with the peanut butter I carried in my pocket! Well… that and chewing gum.”

Monday, April 03, 2006

The man in the fedora reaches into his back pack. He takes out a jar of grape jelly and places it on the table.

"of course not. Only an insane person would carry around a jar of peanut butter with them."

The man with the long hair took out a jar of peanut butter from the inside of his trench coat and said,

“You mean to tell me that you don’t carry peanut butter with you wherever you go?”

The only reason the quirrels attacked is because you had that jar of Peanut Butter in your pocket. I told you to leave it in your hotel room, but did you listen!? ...Wait. Why did you have peanut butter in your pocket?