Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Walking into a abandoned warehouse and declaring it my brother’s base does not count as taking over my brother’s bases, so you only took 1. He still gots you by 2. And come on, who owns a secret base in Utah? You can’t do anything in Utah.

Oh yeah. He's cool. After all, I took 3 of his bases, so it was only fair that he take a few of mine. By the way, could you aks him if he ever found what was causing the smell in the Utah base? I tore that thing apart looking for it, but never found anything. Smelt like something died in research lab 7."

“the one with the space weapon platform, the Japanese/Korean task force, mutant rabbit army, took 3 of you older bases, 2 of mine, and 6 from Steve, you know, my brother who sells cars and took us to Cuba for Thanksgiving.”

"Which one? The one in Montana, the one in Florida, or the one in the Bahamas? doesn't really matter, because he won't beable to get me at any of them. He might as well go back to trying to take you out."

The man in the fedora took a drink of coffe before looking at the other man. "Wait, which brother?"

The man with the long hair shook, “yeah, don’t remind me. My brother tried that on me and I talked like I was an auctioneer. On a separate note, my Brother might, just might, know where you’re secret hidden lair is.”

"I figured I wouldn't have to tell you about that one. It's just wrong for a guy to do that to another guy. And if you want to try a really fun one, strap them to a chair and make them watch The View. I've accually had guys begging for death rather then watch it. Oprah and Dr Phil work too."

“I just wanted to see it for myself. Seeing a person die was pretty die because of pokamon was pretty funny you have to admit. And I already knew the information that time, I just like to ask anyway. No sense in ruining a good torture. I did this a few times just to study the effect. I even did it with Zach Bell and that just makes them cry. Once (while I was parctally drunk) I was about to try that new torture that was in the newest James Bond movie but one, that’s just gross, and two, apparently its against the code of the evil villains. You’re suppose to tell me these things, I no longer get the newsletter because I switched addresses.

"I never said it wouldn't work. I said that threatening to pee on someone would work better. And I was right about the about the Pokemon Torture. I told you that they wouldn't talk, but did you believe me? NNNooo. You just put in the DVD and hit play. Did any one talk? no, it just made them go into seizures and die. Next time jsut make them watch some stupid Anume that doesn't kill people, something like Zatch Bell."

“And it still worked, I still took over France, that was my plan. My brother said it wouldn’t work, but it did. He was right about China. Apparently they don’t like you throwing up on the desks. On a separate note, you’re wrong about the water torture. It is quite affective.”

"Hate to burst your bubble, but you didn't take over france while drunk using peanut butter. You walked in, threw up on the desk, and passed out. You didn't even say yu were taking over. You were rambling on about TPS reports. They were willing to clean up the mess, but were to afraid to go near you incase you threw up again, so they just left and let you take over."