Monday, August 28, 2006

What's weird about Minnesota? What's not weird about Minnesota? Hotdish. Brownies. Long goodbyes. Mutant werewolves. I mean, you know how long a Minnesota goodbye is? I went to this one guy's house for a "salad" and I couldn't leave for another three months. And it gets worse, I have a Minnesota "guy on the couch" living in my house now. Those guy will never leave. I mean REALLY never leave.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

"I never said I needed to remove it. I just did it because the doctor said I couldn't do it by my self. And there was no way that those guys were the best doctors int he world. They said that I almost bled to death because I lost four liters, but everyone knows that the human body has thirty liters of blood.

It was worth it though to see the look on their faces when they found out that I had replaced most of my blood with cafine."

The man in the fedora took a sip of coffee, then thought for a moment.

"Wait a second. What's so wierd about Minnesota?"

Hey!! I can quit anytime I want! And maybe I wanted to start all those wars! And you almost bleed to death when you took out your own appendix. I had to rush you to that weird state of Minnysa..... Mensota.... Minnesota so the best doctors in the world could help you. And your doctor said you didn't even need to remove your appendix. It was a perfectly good organ at the time.

You've almost started just as many wars because you were drunk as I have because I was stoned. At least I ended a few wars while stoned. At least I think I did. Like I said, I was stoned.

Besides. you can't believe everything doctors say. They said I couldn't take out my own apendix, but I proved them wrong.

Yes, again you were stoned and almost started a war. I'm begging to believe what those anti-drug commercials are saying; if you do drugs, you could hurt your friends with foreigners and almost start wars. Maybe you should lay off the stuff.

It's a hobby. And lets face it, the best hobbies allow you to improve yourself. I get to learn about history, about different cultures, and then I get to mock people with that information. It's tons of fun. you should try it!

Personaly I am suprised that they got the jokes. I thought I messed up while telling them, but I was stoned at the time, so maybe they took that into account.

And that's why I don't trust Spanairds. Plus I've known too many Spaniards. Well, like I said, this time it'll be different, I'm not bring you with! You're the one who started hitting me with a burrito! And they won't have given me those peppers if you hadn't made all those Franco jokes. Why do you always offend people with their past dictators? How could you possibly get kicks out of that?

accually it's his clone. The real one died a few years back, but I will ask him.

But why are you going to Spain? Don't you remember what happened last time you were there? They tricked you into eating one of those El Muy Hotto peppers and ran you out of the country while threatening to beat you to death with a burrito.

You've got Q working for you?! I always wondered where you got those wonderful toys. Well if he could find out soon, I would like to take the James Bond car for a raid on Spain. This time they won't be so lucky.

I know he isn't dead. He's working for me. Where did you think I got all those wonderful toys.

and I think they discontinued those after someone got hurt, but I can ask Q if he knows where to get more.