Tuesday, October 17, 2006

"Of course they can't. The mutating is what makes them into an uncontrolable flesh eating army. Whether by a serum, virus, or radioactivity, they become worse then a room full of fat ladies at a donute factory. With Magic, you don't have to worry about that. you can controll them.

With magic, all you have to worry about is Salt. They get a taste of Sodium Iadine and they mutate into brain starved monsters that can only be killed with a shot to the head.

If you don't believe me that Magic Zombies are better, remember that time I took over France? I could control my army. They didn't run off and start eating brains. When you tried it, all they wanted to do was eat people. That was the only time I've ever seen someone not take over France.

How do you not take over France! Their a bunch of Surender Monkeys!"


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